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Prostat PRS-812B重锤式表面电阻测试仪提供了ESD所需的全功能和先进的测量能力。根据ESD协会所有电阻测量文件,如ESD TR53、ANSI/ESD S4.1、ANSI/ESD S7.1和ANSI/ESD STM97.1,它为您提供了大量的测试能力,可以快速有效地测量地板、工作面、推车、服装、包装、平面材料的点对点电阻(Rtt)和对地电阻(Rtg)。

  • 产品型号:Prostat PRS-812B
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2023-12-04
  • 访  问  量:894



Prostat PRS-812B重锤式表面电阻测试仪

PRS-812B电阻表提供了ESD所需的功能和先进的测量能力。根据ESD协会所有电阻测量文件,如ESD TR53、ANSI/ESD S4.1、ANSI/ESD S7.1和ANSI/ESD STM97.1,它为您提供了大量的测试能力,可以快速有效地测量地板、工作面、推车、服装、包装、平面材料的点对点电阻(Rtt)和对地电阻(Rtg)。





The ideal choice for the ESD Auditor

The PRS-812B Resistance Meter delivers the full-featured functionality and advanced measurement capabilities that ESD Auditors need. It puts a lot of testing power in your hands to quickly and efficiently measure resistance point-to-point (Rtt) and resistance-to-ground (Rtg) of floors, worksurfaces, carts, garments, packaging, planar material in accordance with all of the ESD Association documents for resistance measurements, such as ESD TR53, ANSI/ESD S4.1, ANSI/ESD S7.1 and ANSI/ESD STM97.1.

Fully automatic for peace of mind

The PRS-812B uses 3 modes of measurements: Automatic, Manual and Auto-Manual. When measuring in Automatic mode, the resistance range and test voltage is automatically selected for you. Auto mode gives you peace of mind and saves you time.

A very accurate resistance meter

The PRS-812B’s wide range meter offers fast, accurate resistance testing using the included high quality 10 foot test leads. The low resistance range is designed to measure from 0.10 to 1.0x104 ?.

The PRS-812B also meets ANSI/ESD S20.20 and TR53 procedure requirements from 1.00x103 to 1.00x1011 ?. Measurement guidelines require accurate measurements one decade above the resistance requirements of a facility’s ESD program.

Under load test voltages

Uses constant voltage under load for 10 volts and 100 volts with an accuracy of ± .05%, meeting the requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20 resistance testing for product qualification and compliance verification. The low resistance range uses variable voltage from 0.1 mv to 9.99 V.

Long lasting battery

The PRS-812B uses a 3 cell Li-ion battery pack that will last typically 480 hours, taking more than 8,000 measurements before you will need to charge it. Charging is accomplish without removing the battery pack, using the included USB cable and wall charger. The Micro USB cable allows you to charge the PRS-812B via the USB port of your computer. Also included is a wall charger with interchangeable AC blades for global use that includes North America, Europe, United Kingdom, Australia, and China.

Other useful capabilities:

• Displays resistance measurements in either scientific or ohmic format

• Includes USB cable and charger for fast charging through computer or wall outlet

• Approximately 8,000 measurements on a single charge

• Internal memory for storing and recalling up to 120 data sets

• Li-Ion battery pack fully tested and complies with UN38.3

• Easy-access door for fast battery changes without breaking the calibration seal

• Battery status indicator on the display

• Charges while being used, without removing the battery

The 801B-012 battery packs have been tested and were found to comply with the criteria of “UN Model Regulations, Manual of Test and Criteria, ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.7 Part III, subsection 38.3", also known as “UN38.3". As a result they can be shipped unrestricted internationally by any means.



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